K-6 English

In English, students learn to read, write, talk and listen. They learn about English language and literature, how language varies according to context and how to communicate to a range of audiences for different purposes. They learn to read for information and for pleasure. They learn about poetry, novels and plays. They gain a sound […]

Primary Curriculum

NTRODUCTION TO THE PRIMARY CURRICULUM The Board of Studies NSW sets the learning requirements for each stage of primary school. The four stages are: Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten), Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2), Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4) and Stage 3 (Years 5 and 6).In English and Mathematics your child will learn specific […]

First Aid Policy

First Aid Policy Rationale All children have the right to feel safe and know that they will be attended to with due care when in need of first aid. Aims: To administer first aid to children when in need in a competent and timely manner. To communicate children’s health problems to parents when considered necessary. […]

Student Welfare

Reviewed August 2012 RATIONALE Self-esteem is perhaps the single most important factor in helping a child advance his/her potential. Self-esteem activities are carried out by individual classroom teachers, staff and community at appropriate levels. Therefore at Salamah all staff members are informed of their legal responsibilities for the care, safety and welfare of the students. […]


Reviewed August 2012 RATIONALE Regular attendance at school is crucial if students are to develop their talents. Salamah College, in partnership with parents, is in charge of maintaining the regular attendance of students. While parents are legally responsible for the regular attendance of their children, school staff as part of their duty of care, share […]

Computers & Internet Use Policy

Reviewed August 2012 RATIONALE The use of Electronic Communications at Salamah College is a privilege, and like any other privilege, carries with it responsibilities. Publishing, accessing information and communicating electronically can be cost-effective, timely and efficient. It is essential that the use of this valuable resource be managed to ensure that it is used in […]

Enrolment Policy

Enrolment Policy RATIONALE Salamah College is a comprehensive co-educational K – 8, school offering education underpinned by Islamic values and operating within the requirements of the BOS.  The purpose of this document is to assist the School in providing and implementing a step-by-step application and enrolment process which provides a transparent and consistent reference point […]