Our Vision
Pursuing Academic Excellence

Our Mission
Promoting Islamic Values and Ethics


The Board of Studies NSW sets the learning requirements for each stage of primary school. The four stages are: Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten), Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2), Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4) and Stage 3 (Years 5 and 6).In English and Mathematics your child will learn specific topics each year. In these two subjects there are certain ‘building blocks’ that must be learned before your child moves to the next level of understanding. The other subjects are more flexible and topics can be taught at any point within the two year stage.  The Board’s syllabuses state what must be taught in these six key learning areas:



Science and Technology

Human Society and its Environment (HSIE)

Creative Arts

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)

At Salamah College, all Key Learning Areas integrate creative and critical thinking skills and Inquiry Learning. This allows students to develop those higher order thinking skills and ensure learning experiences are authentic and meaningful.

All programs are differentiated to cater for each child in the class. Programs include adjustments and extensions that will ensure that students are working to their ability with all learning needs being targeted.

ICT is integrated across all Key Learning Areas (KLAs) through the use of classroom Interactive White Boards (IWBs) and student access to the school’s Computer Lab.  All classes are allocated one hour per week in the school’s Computer Lab where they explore a range of software programs including;




Internet Explorer

MS Publisher

MS Powerpoint

MS Word

MS Excel

Furthermore, teachers also integrate ICT throughout all KLAs and homework utilising websites such as ‘Pinterest’, ‘Scootle’ and ‘Studyladder’.