Our Vision
Pursuing Academic Excellence

Our Mission
Promoting Islamic Values and Ethics

Homework is an essential part of the learning process for your child and has many benefits.


Parents and caregivers can help by:


* Assisting in the child’s learning by giving time to listening to their child read.

* Guiding the children in their homework – not doing their homework for them.

* Ensuring that there is time set aside each night for homework.
* Ensuring and supporting students to complete homework.

* Providing where possible, a dedicated place and desk for homework and study.

* Encouraging the children to read and take an interest in current events.

* Assisting teachers in monitoring homework by signing completed work if requested in addition to becoming aware of the amount of homework set.

* Communicating with teachers any concerns about the nature of homework their children’s approach to the homework.


Students can help by:


* Being aware of the importance of homework.

* Completing homework within the given time frame.

* Alerting parents and caregivers to homework expectations

* Seeking assistance from teachers/parents/caregivers when difficulties arise.

* Showing their homework to their parents/caregivers

* Completing homework to the best of their ability – homework should be neat, complete and handed in on time.

* Organising their time to ensure that enough time can be given each night to complete homework in time for each Friday.

* Working independently as much as they can to maximise educational benefits of homework.

* Trying all questions/parts of homework

Homework is given out on Friday and should be returned by the following Friday for marking.