Our Vision
Pursuing Academic Excellence

Our Mission
Promoting Islamic Values and Ethics


Bullying is a damaging harm that can happen to a child’s sense of well-being and self-worth. It is not a normal part of growing up, nor is it part of a “toughening up” process preparing a child for the adult world. Worse still, is the idea that “once a bully, always a bully”.


The aim of this policy is to allow everyone to enjoy a safe, harassment-free school environment and to be treated with respect and equality.


Students, staff, parents, caregivers and the wider community have the right to a safe and supportive learning environment in schools. For this to occur all school community members have a responsibility to prevent and respond to reports and observations of bullying. This policy should be read in conjunction with other key policies such as the School’s Anti-bullying Plan; Duty of Care Policy; Workplace Health and Safety Policy; Internet Use, Email & Other Electronic Communications for Students Policy. 

Rights and Responsibilities of School Community Members

All students, teachers, parents, wider school community – Rights

All students, teachers, parents, wider school community – Responsibilities

Administrators – Rights

Administrators – Responsibilities

Staff – Rights

Staff – Responsibilities

Students – Rights

Students – Responsibilities

Parents/Caregiver – Rights

Parents/Caregiver – Responsibilities

Wider community: including other professionals – Rights.

Wider community: including other professionals – Responsibilities.



Bullying is usually the result of a stronger student or group of students exerting pressure on a child. It may take the following forms:







All incidents of Bullying at Salamah College are to be reported on the Bullying Harassment Reporting Form which will stored in the Bullying Harassment Reporting File for record keeping and processing in accordance with this policy.


Research shows that:








Each staff member is required to:









Students are required to:





Recommendations to parents:



















  1. Bullying occurs in all schools and in all communities. All alleged bullying is taken seriously and dealt with in an appropriate and prompt manner.


  1. The Anti-Bullying Coordinator is the Deputy Principal of the school, and this must be known to all parents, pupils, and members of staff along with the procedures for reporting bullyi


  1. The Deputy Principal is responsible for recording and responding to bullying and along with the Principal.


  1. The Principal is responsible for embedding anti-bullying in the policies and practices of the school.


  1. The final responsibility for ensuring that bullying is consistently dealt with and allegations and actions correctly recorded rests with the


  1. The Principal will ensure that the Bullying Harassment Reporting Form is filled out and kept on file.
  2. Responsibilities for working with and supporting the victim and perpetrator will often be delegated to others.


  1. The member of staff to whom the allegation is first reported, or who witnesses apparent bullying, must take it seriously. They must use their professional judgment in deciding on appropriate action to be tak This will depend on the following factors:









  1. All bullying – reported, observed or suspected – must be taken seriously. When a child or young person expresses the view that bullying has taken place, that view must be taken account of by school staff.


  1. When it is clear that the allegation of bullying behaviour may have substance, contact should be made with the parents of children on both sides of the allegation to inform them:





  1. Delays in responding to an allegation of bullying should only occur when reported at the end of a school day. Any investigation should be commenced and completed in as short a time as possible after receipt of the allegati Complex cases will inevitably take longer than more clear-cut and obvious incidences.


  1. In order to support the investigation of alleged bullying, the following questions should be considered:


  1. If the investigation shows a need for further action to be taken, parents will be informed on the approaches to be tak The following measures may be considered:



  1. In all cases, the staff involved should take all appropriate measures to try to prevent the bullying from happening agai Restorative practices can be deployed in difficult cases where bullying behaviour persists despite interventions of other types. This can also include involving the School Community Support Members in mediating between families where conventional school-based intervention is not helping to stop the bullying.


  1. Support for the victim is essential both immediately following the incident and during an agreed period of review. Peer support, staff support, parental support, and external support agencies can all play a vital role in reducing or eliminating long-term damage to the victim.


  1. Consideration should be given to how best to discipline and also support the perpetrator. Disciplinary procedures against the perpetrator are intended to change or modify behaviour rather than label anyone as a bully. Such procedures may include:












  1. Each report of bullying should be reviewed after an agreed period of tim At that point, staff should endeavour to meet with both perpetrator and victim to reassess the situation and the relationship between those involved unless it would be considered counter-productive, unhelpful or insensitive to do so. The manner in which such a review takes place will depend on the nature of the bullying and age of those involved (e.g., the extent to which parents are actively involved at the review stage).


In cases where a parent is dissatisfied with the outcome of an investigation or action taken by a school, he or she should contact the Principal in the first instance. If concerns persist, the parent may wish to refer the case to an external agency of their choice.